We will help you find an apartment prior to your arrival. We will help you with the lease/security deposit, visa paperwork, and health insurance. We will also help you to open a bank account.
We will send you Google Maps to help you to familiarize your yourself with your school and apartment locations. We will be with you every step of the way to make your transition as smooth as possible.
We will send you Google Maps to help you to familiarize your yourself with your school and apartment locations. We will be with you every step of the way to make your transition as smooth as possible.
Work Permit
We will apply for your work permit and answer any questions that you might have.
We will help you and your family members to obtain visas.
We will find you housing based on your requirements. We will help you move in and sign the necessary paperwork.
Fly to Taiwan
Don't worry about getting lost! We will meet you at the airport!